Who Found
David Tobias, Dan Blankenship
When Found
1967 1969
Where Found
In Money Pit area- specifically Becker boreholes # 5, 24, & 33
Firsthand / Secondhand
D'Arcy O'Connor's, "The Big Dig", pg. 165. Crooker's, "Oak Island Gold", pgs. 164 &165. Bradley's "Hole Grail Across the Atlantic", Pgs. 154 to 157. Triton's 1988 "Summary of Operations..."pg. 3:02b & 3:03. Tritom's 1967 Beck Drilling Log : Boreholes 24&33. Dan Blankenship's "Items of Interest- 1965 to 1970- broken down as to fact, circumstantial and theory", Dan Blankenship's "Progress Report November 1, 1977" dated November 15, 1977. Dan Blankenship's "Drilling in the Vicinity of 'Money Pit'" dated 1967. Dan Blankenship's Letter to Wm. T.C. Gillespie summarizing 1967 drilling activities in the Money Pit area" dated 1967. Warnock Hersey International Limited Report "Oak Island Investigation Borehole 9" dated October 27 & 28, 1969.
Location Today
Oddity Factor
Assessment of Authenticity
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